Been swamped with work this weekend. Going to take a breather here to link to a couple of pertinent sites with interviews and pictures from various Metti-events. First up is an interview of me by super- duper talented artist Bryan Hitch. It's part of the Millarworld online magazine and can be found here.
Ignore the few typos--as I told Hitchy--I thought he asked some very interesting and probing questions. Eek--shouldn't use the word 'probing' and Bryan Hitch in the same sentence...
Someday soon I will be returning the favor and asking Bryan all the questions everyone wanted to ask but was too lazy to ask. In fact, if any of you have some really interesting to ask of the Ultimates' artist, post them in the comments below and I very well may use them. Anyway, the pic they ran is so old even I can't remember where it's from. Pretty sure it was during the early Image days and was at a store signing.
Next up, is a link to James Sime of the Isotope's site. Many of you may recall a bunch of the Mettistas did a store signing just the other week, and he has some trippy (and normal pics) up at his site. You can find them here and here!
Last but not least, drop by Newsarama in the next couple of days for an interview where I talk a bit about my upcoming run on WildCats with none other than Grant Morrison! If you're in the Chicago area, I also did an interesting interview (and photoshoot from when I was at the Isotope) which will appear in the Chicago edition of Time Out magazine in advance of Wizard World Chicago.
Check it!
Links don't work,Jim....
Yeah I know...I have to go back in and edit the garbled html after I email them to flickr to get posted on the site. Primitive but it allows everyone to post to the site from their respective homes without worrying about too much html.
Was wondering when you yourself would confirm/deny that rumour which surfaced about two weeks ago and then was confirmed in Wizard last week. All the more, I must say that I started collecting comic books seriously right around the time Image was formed. Having followed you from X-Men to Wild C.A.T.S, there's a certain nostalgia which I feel for the latter book...so to hear you're coming back to it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Some nice pictures from the Isotope event. I have never seen a store with the same design and atmosphere. The store kinda gives comic books a fashionable/chic appeal.
Your interview with Bryan Hitch was certainly refreshing...to know that there are artists out there who are really in it for the love of the medium, rather than looking at comic books as a stepping stone. It is certainly evident in the panels & pages you produce that you really have a deep love to draw, and I as a fan appreciate it.
Be seeing you in Chicago!
PS. Come to the PCTC! "The Man" is coming next year!
Hey Jim, Jon here (You know, the Anchor Steam guy?). Just wanted to say thanks again for coming out to San Francisco and doing the signing at Isotope. It was a great time and I really appreciate the time you took with my friends and I, let alone everyone who showed up that night.
Also thanks for that shot of Tequila! I never got to ask you what kind it was, but it was a good choice, hehe. I'll have to return the favor next time. Looking forward to seeing you again to get another part of that sketch done, thanks again Jim.
P.S. You should ask Bryan Hitch what kind of alcohol he prefers to drink with his fans, lol.
Congratulation Jim!!!
And the best to you!!
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