As promised, here are some video clips of the intra-squad challenge we had last week. It was Rich and Ale pencilling against one another and me and Carlos doing the inks for our teams respectively. Click here to get a refresher (scroll down to Wednesday's entries) on what happened last week.
I'll be posting 4 clips a day and then 3 on the last day (Friday). The ones later on in the week are much longer and larger (not my fault...I wasn't at the cam controls after I started inking; apparently the ones shooting the footage couldn't turn the camera off!) so high speed internet connections are a must.
ALSO! There is some foul language along the way. You've been warned.
Also wanted to thank James for taking care of the technical end and Sony for making a fine-ass MPEG4 camera. It's amazing how they can compress this stuff now. Oh and one last note. I know in previous released clips, people have accused us of speeding up the footage. We haven't...it's a function of the footage being compressed so there are fewer frames. That said, everything is in real time. Hope you enjoy the inanity.
Quicktime clips of the latest Iron Chef Gelatometti Battle--Part One!
Drawing in front of the the sea ... You are very lucky guys , and girl !
Yeah, that happened with my QuickTime too. You can either hunt around for the codec that is missing or you can do like I did and download VideoLAN from www.videolan.org. It works perfectly with that program.
Jim you mean guy. No one deserves to be tortured with Abba, I even think that was stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ;p
I'm looking forward to the rest of the vids.
Cool videos. It's funny to listen to you guys rip on each other. Well it seems like Jim is picking all the fights, hehe, what a bully! Looking forward to the next set of videos =)
How do you guys get any work done that close to the beach?
oh and btw-I want Skye Runner!
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