Been meaning to put this photo up for ages. It's from our very own Jeremy Sorrell, a talented artist and sculptor in his own right, who presented me with this handmade, handcrafted bust of Batman at last year's Wizard World Chicago. Still have it as it serves double duty as a nice paperweight and looks cool.
Didn't use to get a lot of awesome swag back in the day when cons were almost always about comics. Nowadays, with all the video game companies, toy and card companies and movie studios at the largest cons, I get a cool freebie here and there. It's awesome as I rarely have time these days to walk the floor and shop like I used to. This doesn't just happen at cons anymore. I rarely hit actual brick and mortar stores anymore these days. Amazon.com is where I buy nearly everything I need these days. That and the apple store.
Anyway, it's nice to have a cool memento of shows gone by. So thanks again, Jeremy--I know you put a lot of time and love into creating this piece; was good to see you again at this year's con, if only briefly. Those pics of yer new sculpts looked fantastic.
i still remember jeremy planning on giving that to you. it is great to see that you do keep gifts from fans (but, with something this great, why wouldn't you?).
i also see the cyclops visor lying around. btw, what's the trophy behind the batman
That bust is pretty hot!
I wish that I could get sweet freebies like that.
Great sculpt Jeremy!
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