OK here are the next 4 clips.
Same warning...some foul language. And you will need Quicktime 7.0 to see it. Go to quicktime.com to download a free copy. Others took over the camera so the clips get progressively longer (they didn't know how to stop the footage).
MORE VIDEOS !!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE OF THE STUDIO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE GIRLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simply the best blog of the net .
I love the quote, "So who's gonna win?"
Ale: "Us!"
Carlos: "Jim!"
I guess the power of old age is well known in the studio, hehe.
Hey Jim thank YOU man!
regards from Brazil!
one question what music are you guys listening?
Dan the Man--try using a different browser or update the one you have to the latest iteration.
Jim inking with Rob Zombie blasting. Great stuff guys. Keep them coming.
Song from clip 1 is "People who died" by Jim Carroll. Download it from itunes and do Mr. Carroll a favor.
Sedat, was bedeudet "go hit it straight" ich hab das nicht gut verstanden.
Hier ist das Wetter fantastisch.
Viel Spass!
either you have a kick@$$ stereo system (or speakers, at least. since i saw you played songs from itunes), or the mic on the camera is pretty damn good...
either you have a kick@$$ stereo system (or speakers, at least. since i saw you played songs from itunes), or the mic on the camera is pretty damn good...
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