Saw this FF movie poster the other week and thought Stretcho looked familiar. His pose at least. Haven't caught the flick yet. Any of you manage to check it out? Better or worse than Batman Begins? Better or worse than Catwoman? Better or worse than Sky High? Good movie for kids? Let me know--my movie viewing pleasure hangs in the balance.
F4 is an interesting movie to "critique". It's not as good as Batman Begins, it's better than Catwoman, I have no idea about Sky High, and now I'll exxplain this movie to you, Jim. Ok. BB was just a really cool movie, great story, visuals, concept, and it just kicked major ass. It was the kinda movie that blew you away. F4 on the other hand, the story is decent, I was dissapointed with the Doom origin retelling, the visuals were really fucking cool too, but the thing that made it good was that it's completely entertaining. It's just fun. It's not a long movie but it doesn't feel "too" short. It's just a damn enjoyable ride. I say you should go see it. The best thing was that my hopes weren't too high going into it, so I literally had next to nothing to get possibly let down about. Just keep an open mind and your eyes open, you'll like it. I promise.
the first thing I thought when I was sitting in the theater was : " damned , what am I doing here , since there's War of the world in the other side ? " . what you got to know is in France , the publicity has sell the movie as a comedy , which isn't exactly cool .
Seeing the movie was a great surprise , without being batman begins , after all , the two worlds are different , it was a fine movie with humour that really made me thought of Lee and Kirby ,the first part had some reminiscences with YOUR Fantastic Four : the shuttle , the first time we see Johnny , and some other thing during the movie ,so it was a good time for me , lighter than the other movies , but the book is lighter too , the only bad thing is the battle scene of the end of the movie , TOO SHORT !!!!! damn , we're talking about an action flick ! one other battle scene would've been great !Maybe with ading an other vilain ...
AS for the poster , don't think too much IT IS CLEARLY INSPIRED from your poster , even the rocks are on the same place ! lol !
To finish , when I was back at home I wanted to read a comic book of The Fantastic Four ( I know , I am a geek ), so I picked the Jim lee and Brandon Choi comic book to follow the movie , strange , no ?
Fantastic Four was pretty bad. Obviously Jessica Alba is always entertaining to watch and the special F/X were great. But the story and the movie on a whole was pretty forgetable.
One of my biggest complaints was you had no concern for the characters at all. The movie rushed through their backstory and you were never really sure of why you should care what happens to these people. Dr. Doom was especially FLAT!
I was never really supported of a Fantastic Four movie in the first place. I love the comic but I never though it would translate well to the big screen. It was definitly not even in the same category as Batman Begins which was possibly the summers best film. I refused to see Catwoman on the basis that I had a really good feeling it was going to be really bad. I do think FF was probably better than catwoman though. I hear Sky High is a really fun movie for both adults and children, but I have yet to see it.
I saw the Skeleton Key last night. It was pretty creepy but not nearly as messed up as the Ring or the Grudge. I think my imagination made the skeleton key more scary than it actually was.
FF is not nearly as good as batman, and on a different planet from spiderman or x-men....
it's entertaining, and you don't get too bored, but the story is as flat and shallow as it gets
Not better than Batman, but a really fun flick. As good as the first X-Men movie to me. My 8 year old sister-in-law liked it a lot, so there's the kids question for ya.
Fun movie. No where near as good as Batman Begins.
It was not bad. Structurally everything was there. However it wasn't nearly as awesome as Batman Begins. It felt a lot like they were just going through the motions of making a superhero film, versus actually being passionate about the material. Anything's better than Catwoman tho ;) Still--I had a fun night seeing it with my sister (who's seen it like three times now, I might add). My husband still hasn't seen it yet because I can't part with the 2 hrs to see it again (or don't want to)--however i'm more than willing to toss away 3 hrs and the drive to the IMAX to see Batman Begins on sunday nights :)
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