Added another link to the Links section to the right. It's called Upcoming Appearances and is pretty self-explanatory. Already have quite a few set up for next year but don't want to post the information til I am exactly sure. If you live in the United States though, odds are I will be coming to a con near you! And any fans in Montana--be prepared...we will be there in force this summer once I can nail down the date and hire the appropriate cowhands.
japan... oooh. closest jim lee signing ever for me. hmmm. gotta plan my xmas sked.
fly down to the Philippines, jim! i'll have a couple of people sponsor your stay. hehe!
Wow...a break in November huh? Toronto? Nudge, nudge...you know you want to. No other city like it. I'll personally take you to all of the great restaurants we have.
Ryan: A break? No, not really. Mind you, what I put up are just my public appearances. I have other long business trips set for end of September and early November so I need to save some time aside for the work at WS and for drawing Batman and Robin.
Patman: Never been to the P.I. Maybe someday...
Hey Jim: I just thought I would throw it out there. I understand you are a busy man with many obligations and responsibilities. How you are able to schedule yourself with the appearances you already have is beyond me. It would be nice for you to come up at some point though. I am young and I can be patient.
Wondercon Jim! I want to see you continue that sketch of Christine Blaze! =)
Whew... coming back from some business trips in Asia a day or two just before you arrive at Mid-Town comics. Now to plan my day for that appearance. Anyone know how early I should get there to guarantee a signature? Time to take my first sick day?
Maybe if I have a job in Manhattan again by then I can come and see you...
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