... hehehe, I'm in trouble (^_^) ... I signed up for a 70+ mile race in three or four weeks, and I am SOOOOOO out of shape, which means that in the next four weeks, I have to squeeze in all the riding I haven't done in something close to a year, and try and get in at least half-decent shape (not impossible). I went for a 15 mile ride today and I came back home 'near-dead', hehehe, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Anyway, speaking of biking and racing, I did this 'team jersey' design for the group I used to ride with back in Texas (I had originally joined the group for the noblest of reasons, a very very cute girl used to ride with them! :) ) Some of the guys in the team were totally nuts (specially that girl), at night they'd be drinking like crazy (I'm talking tequila shot after tequila shot) , and the next morning they'd be racing and winning medals (hence the drinking jackass on the jersey). Pretty damn good team, I miss racing with those bastards.
I tried getting some of the guys at the studio to ride with me here in San Diego (even had an extra bike with ALL the equipment), but (ahem) without saying any names, they pretty much ALL wussed out ... wussies!!! (^_^)
70+ miles? 8o
G'luck, dude! I'd love to accomplish somethin' like that one day. Awesome design!!
Be careful man ! and have fun !
Go Carlos! Show those wussies who's the best athelete at Wildstorm, hehe. Good luck on your race when it comes around.
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