Colors by the incredible Brian Haberlin. Look how he separates all the detail and elements using just the minimal right of colors. Note the subtle renderings on the tendrils near the bottom center of the page. Adds texture without busying up the already intense piece. He put cool blues in the foreground to frame the hot, warm tones on Spawn himself establishing depth and color vibrancy.
Makes it really sing...don't it?
That's a stunna'!! It reminds me o' the DC Trinity vs. Doomsday clones cover/poster you drew not too long ago for a Superman/Batman issue.
Not a MacFarlane fan so I honestly can't remember the last time Spawn looked this fresh. Excellent job all around... from the pencils to inks to colors. Amazin'.
you said everthing on your post Jim ! it is true that all the base for coloring are here the fact that the sky is in warm color and the front in cold color add the way the eye goes to Spawn ! A simple thing but a great rendition
It's kinda funny...I've just been viewing Brian's "Digital Art Tutorials", thinking I might try my hand at some colouring...and I'm starting to visualize some of Brian's techniques unfold in this piece. I can grasp where he laid down his flats, how he chose certain colours and where to place them, and how he can accentuate certain aspects of the art without detracting from others (as you mentioned Jim).
The piece really does "sing" Jim. Amazing how far colouring has come in only about 10-15 years. Interestingly enough, I think the Image guys had a lot to do with popularizing computer colouring. The Big Two were forced to match the production quality of art that almost all of the Image books were renowned for.
PS. Sorry for the "u"s, it's a Canadian thing
flatting that piece was just awesome! Go boss Brian! You guys rock as always!
Amazing 'n cooool! I found up only today this site! It's just in my favourites and linked in my blog!
See you soon at Agricantus (Palermo) Jim!
ps: i'm reading just now your Superman's issues with Brian. Wonderful. And sorry for my italenglish...
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