As long as we are strolling down memory lane, here is a sketch from all the way back in 1991! Sent to me by Rhandy A., this was done at the first and last Con-Fusion here in San Diego. I think it was one of the shows Homage Studios even organized and threw down in Hotel Circle. We also had some in LA and San Francisco, all around the release of X-Men#1. Anyway, this is a rare sketch in that it is my layouts with Whilce Portacio on finished pencils.
I remember us working together like this and learning a lot from seeing how he interpreted and lit my figures. In fact, we did a complete issue of Uncanny X-Men this way...issue 267 I think; the first one before my run on the book. Took us 9 days to pencil and ink that book. Was a favor done for then editor Bob Harras who needed a book done STAT! We delivered, lost much sleep but thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
All the rendering and lighting is courtesy of Whilce, who is now back fulltime in comics and ready to unload a ton of work next year! Aside from a new Wetworks series, Whilce has a very big (BIG BIG!) DC project coming up...soon to be announced. Here is a closer look at this sketch for now.
Happy Birthday, Jim! Hope you have a great one this year. More power, more comic runs, more art, more blog posts. Here's to you achieving whatever goals you still have remaining.
Patrick Carlos (patman)
re: whilce...
nice to hear that he is up and about again. he came back to the philippines years ago and that sparked a lot of interest in comics for a lot of people. he was also a guy who helped a lot of filipino artists break into US/mainstream comics, which pinoy artists and fans are truly greatful.
Awesome! I always dug the way he laid down tones/shades, especially in the torso area. Thanks for the Whilce news! I was disappointed he left Team Achilles a few years back as it was one o' my favorite books (thanks to Micah Ian Wright), but it's great to read he'll be back on somethin' soon.
Hi Jim,
I remember hearing that story about issue 267-- I was so blown not only by how fast it was completed but also by the quality of it all. There were no "cheat pages" with the big heads or anything like that, just solid storytelling.
The one arc that jumps out at me was the Mandarin/Psylocke story you guys did... issues 256-258. It's one of my favorite things you've done-- there seemed to be a slight shift in your work from Punisher: War Journal to this. A somewhat more "realistic" look to your faces. Can you talk about that in a future posting? Anyway, I remember really digging the Punisher stuff and after these three X-men issues came out, I was hooked.
happy birthday Jim!
it's nice to hear that Whilce is back while his protege Leinil Francis Yu is leaving DC for Marvel exclusive...goodluck to both of them!
Dear Jim,
Just remembered this question from way back in the early 90's: I realised that you guys (Whilce and yourself) were working together in the same place or something for the then X-Men (1-11) and Uncanny X-Men (281-289??), what was your role in Whilce's Uncanny X-men run? You helped draw in UXM 286... but did you actually helped in other ways? Man, UXM under Whilce was sweeeeeeeeet. His best work. :)
^Have you ever seen Whilce's X-Factor, e.l.l.? I became an instant fan based on his run thurr. That was my favorite of his work. :]
meek?: Oh yea... that was the start of his greatness... but somehow I prefer his UXM run though. Found that his art (at least from 281-285) was tighter and the layouts much better on the storyline. :)
Great sketch. Keep them coming Jim.
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