So we all check out newsarama.com and the Pulse and Heidi MacDonald's the Beat everyday (and if you don't, then you must be a wannabe fan) but I suspect many of you must have other sites you frequent each day. List some in the comments (all worksafe please) and let me know some of your more esoteric ones.
Me? I drop by www.gizmodo.com and even tho it seems to have an Eurocentric view techwise, it still lists a bevy of interesting tech devices and technologies each day. I also go to http://www.signonsandiego.com/sports/padres/index.html for my daily Padres news and articles and I lurk in their forums. If you think fans on dccomics.com messageboards are crabby, you haven't read baseball message boards. OMG are they notoriously fickle, but entertaining to read. Makes you feel healthy being a comic book nut.
No none comicbook/artcentric sites? That's what I'm looking for...
I'm fond of www.boingboing.net and www.we-make-money-not-art.com for the daily out-there stuff. Lots of content each day.
My favorite art-centric site is http://drawn.ca for all kinds of really cool illustration stuff.
Comic related - ( news )
Art - ( even some gadget wise )
Have fun !
I'm always amused that each subgroup of fanatics think their group is the most overboard, and nobody else acts the same way. When it comes to online stuff like message boards and blogs, at least, comic fans and political folks and baseball fans (and, I would imagine, music fans and movie fans and etc. etc.) all seem to have the same amount of passion and emotions run just as high and critiques are just as picayune.
Hey Jim,
I love Gizmodo as well, I was only turned on to it recently though. Here are some more...
Art school online haunts:
www.myspace.com, thefacebook.com, friendster.com
www.apple.com- especially the quicktime section
www.playsite.com- if you are bored, you need to go here. I prefer Go-Moku, but I have been known to dabble in Chess
www.neilgaiman.com- do I need to explain this?
www.adobe.com- it ain't just about the products, but it has great tutorials and you get to see what else is out there.
www.streamload.com- this is a great site. For those of you who subscribe to Apple's iDisk, it is like that except FREE! Especially great seeing as how most files are too big for a 3.5 and who wants to waste a CD/DVD on a silly project.
www.trinewbies.com- for those interested in Triathlon or endurance sports or if you just want to get in shape and have no idea how
www.menshealth.com- for the same reason as above. All the rest of the crap in the magazine is well CRAP. The fitness stuff I find useful
www.projo.com- so I can keep in touch with home.
www.movietickets.com, www.fandango.com - not so much to buy tickets but to find the closest movie theater. There is an extreme LACK of good theaters in the Savannah, GA/Hilton Head, SC area!
there are a bunch more I just can't think of them right now...
www.theonion.com - always worth a read when in need of a chuckle
www.redsox.com - whenever you feel the need to be jealous of our fine #1 team - hehe
www.rjlmemorialfund.com - a fund started for a good friend who passed away two years ago
www.mugglenet.com - who can resist the harry potter obsession with the new book coming out in 2 weeks?
www.apple.com/trailers/ - movie trailers, of course
http://savetoby.com/ - the poor bunny
Not Comic or Art related -
http://hanzismatter.com/atom.xml ( translation of Hanzi characters )
http://www.twitchfilm.net/atom.xml ( new movies, most from Asian directors )
http://www.wingchunkuen.com/backend.php ( all about Wing Chun )
http://www.hedonistica.com/index.xml ( you just HAVE to look at this one )
Hey Jim,
Similar to Gizmodo.com, there's Engadget.com which is part of the WIN network (I write for the design blog in that network).
Other sites I go to:
Design/Art related
Deal sites
Plenty of more sites on various topics, here (the sections with DAILY READS are... daily reads =T): http://dcdomain.org/misc/bookmarks.html
I check a lot of the Gawker blogs (Gizmodo's blog family):
www.lifehacker.com - a productivity blog, similar to 43 Folders
www.defamer.com - a great entertainment industry blog (fun, but not to be taken too seriously)
I also frequent these sites:
www.postsecret.com - this site is DEFINITELY worth a look. people prepare a 3x5 postcard where they reveal secrets. the site inspires a lot of user creativity.
www.mindhacks.com - psychology blog
www.makezine.com/blog/ - the blog for MAKE magazine. mainly a collection of do-it-yourself tricks for all the extra hardware you have lying around. great compliment to gizmodo
Being a product of the Eighties, I really enjoy X-Entertainment.
The guy who runs it always digs up rather obscure items from the eighties and generally pokes fun at it.
Lately he's been reviewing every Kool-Aid flavor one by one, and also spotlighting on in-box cereal prizes. I must say the eighties was the absolute best era for cereal prizes. Now it's all about mailing away and collecing UPCs.
As in the radio broadcast.
And the others are top secret.
Art Bell Rox.
These are Design and web/Flash oriented sites I reference often. This is intelligent and clever Flash designers not your cousin who knows Flash.
www.joshuadavis.com formerly praystation.com. Joshua is hands down one of the most creative indivduals in the Flash and new media community and a real cool individual. Designs ranging from Wired magazine, Nokia, Volkwagen to TOOL.
Yugo Nakamura of yugop.com. Nakamura can beat up your Flash Designer/Developer. Yugo is a very evil genuis.
Todd Dominey of whatdoiknow.org this guy knows quite a lot in fact. Check it out if you are into new media and the Apple platform.
Jon Hicks of http://www.hicksdesign.co.uk/ another wonderful British designer and a great icon creator. Created the Firefox logo among other things.
nin.com Trent Reznor has released tow versions of his latest songs for Garage Band on his site, if that isn't cool I don't what is.
www.24-7media.de German design firm. These guys are just good. Plus they have a cool forum that ranges from everything from Photoshop tutorials to Affter Effects.
Matt Owens at voloumeone.com another design guru. make sure you look through his porfolio to see his range of work. If you see some similarities with Joshua Davis it becasue they are neighbors
http://www.imaginaryforces.com/ Imaginary Forces is simply the best in Motion Graphics. Hats off to Kyle Cooper.
One of my all time favorite sites although I don't visit it daily.
I would say more but I'm giving away all my secrets. ;)
Ron Domingue
haha... "worksafe please." :D Hmmm... no comic/art/design-centric sites? I only have a few then:
1) Any sites from okayplayer.com
(for music news and to see some great Flash sites... can't help the designer in me.)
2) My internet clan's MB: Board X
(we post about anythin' under the sun. Member since 2001.)
3) www.myspace.com... hahaha
(it's pretty much a requirement for everyone nowadays.)
Just a few of the sites I visit daily (or close to):
TVShowsOnDVD.com - Always looking for shows I love to finally get the DVD treatment.
Metroblogging Seattle - A Seattle-centric blog, with several contributors.
Anonymous Lawyer - What really goes on inside those large law firms. Completely fictional, by the way.
SCOTUSBlog - Focuses exclusively on the US Supreme Court and issues/cases it handles. Comes in very handy for my job.
Alex's Summer at Sea - A student of the University of Pittsburgh's Semester At Sea program blogs about the voyage. Really entertaining stuff.
When I'm working in the morning (from 6:30 am to about noon, I listen to streaming old-time radio from AM 1710 Radio Antioch
Some cool art sites are Good Brush, Ryan Church, or (for fun)Cam's Happy Pencil.
Some sites I go to in order to avoid work are Rhino Record's Music Video Archive, Weird News, The Kitten Cannon, and Interactive Buddy.
I can't believe nobody visits:
http://comics.ign.com it's the best place after newsarama and buzzscope.
also http://filmforce.ign.com is great for movies news
let's not forget about www.deviantart.com that is the best artist community in the web!
I always check out Comic Foundry - it's a learning and community site for aspiring comic book artists and writers. They do really great interviews but are questions that never get asked. A must-read for me.
Check out www.vancitycomics.com Jim.
Vancouver BC's own little comic book forum. =)
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