Tracking back a bit, here is another pic from the copter tour of the Grand Canyon (as requested by Elayne). I have mpeg footage of it too but the colors are all washed out, mostly because it was overcast. This shot of Giuseppe Bazzani, writer of an Italian comic called Road's End, is a better representation of the colors of the rock formations. We were on a cliff overlooking the muddy Colorado River.
Luckily the temperature was only 90 degrees F; normally it's 120 F down in it. It's amazing how small the Colorado river looks now. To think rushing waters created all this gives you a scale of how insignificant we all are in the big scheme of things. That said, we need to know we make a difference...otherwise, why create art, right?
Indeed , we are nothing compare to nature , it is proved by the fact that it is so hard to recapture nature when man create something ...
Woo-hoo! Thanks for the name-check! Have I mentioned how much I like your travelogue pictures? :)
Rivers of Chocolate? You see any fat german kids floating by?
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