... I can't remember exactly what ComiCon I drew this at, it might have been from last year's, or maybe even a little older. The fan had asked me for a "Wonder Woman", and because this was probably my first time EVER drawing her, and I don't really consider myself all that good at the 'cheesecake' stuff, I felt I needed something else in there to 'spruce' up the piece, so why not having her beat the crap out of a giant robot?!? gives the piece a bit of a sense of scale as well, I just hope the fan I drew it for liked it. :)
... speaking of ComiCon pieces, like most artist out there, there have been times when you draw something at a show and you end up being pretty happy with, and really wish you had made a copy of it or whatever (lots' of happy accidents seem to happen at shows), so, if any of you BLOG readers have ever gotten a commission or a sketch from me (that doesn't suck.. heheh), please let me know, I'd love to get a scan of it if you guys are kind enough (^_^)
Vurry nice for a first time rendition! Not really into the scraggly hurr, but the form is ideal, the legs are juicy, and the tech is crisp. :D This piece has been spruced and officially pimped out.
wow, i keep seeing all these amazing sketches from the cons, i really gotta get to more of them!
great work!
The robot looks wicked. I'd totally avoid that guy in a dark alley. Wondie looks like she needs to switch conditioners tho. ;)
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