Ale's having issues posting so I am going to make the announcement. The mystery challenger Ale set up for my first Iron Chef contest is none other than fan-fave artist Jeff Scott Campbell!
Many of you may know that Jeff was one of the first artists WildStorm (then called Homage Studios) brought into the biz years ago. Jeff's work was already very accomplished when he came to the studio at the tender age of 19 but we were all the more amazed at how quickly he learned and developed artistically.
Before you knew it, he was grabbing pebbles out of all the master's hands faster than you could say "Dated pop culture reference!" and soon he was taking the comic book world by storm with his very first series--Gen 13. Then he followed up that with his Cliffhanger sophomore smash--Danger Girl and now has a new title coming out this summer from WildStorm called Wildsiderz which he is working on with his frequent co-collaborator writer Andy Hartnell.
Hit your local comic book shop to grab a copy of Wildsiderz #0 and look out for his dynamite first issue shipping August 3rd--dazzling work! For an awesome, informative interview--scope out this link at Newsarama.
Here is a recap of the "rules." The contest will start at 4pm PST. We will each have an hour in real time to draw the same character. We will then scan in our pieces and post them to the blog (~5:30 pm PST) so you all can vote who had done a better job.
Winner gets a slap on the back and bragging rights. Loser has to deal with the realization that they have a job no one in the Real World really understands nor appreciates and that life is cruel and unfair and that we spent way too much time hanging out with Alex Garner without anything to show for it and that they really should have chosen to be a rock star or a professional athlete where you get your money for nothing and your chicks for free (dated pop culture reference two!).
The real winner tho is the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF.ORG) who gets both pieces of original art from Jeff and me to auction off in the future to supplement their warchest. In fact, ALL the art created in these lighthearted events has been donated to the CBLDF and I will post more info later as to how you all can try to acquire them. Trust me, the money that will be raised really is for a great and much needed cause.
As for what Jeff and I will be drawing...it's up to you guys. Post below suggestions but unlike past events, please, please make your ideas as mainstream and 'commercial' as possible. Jeff and I are really looking forward to raising as much money for the CBLDF as possible and while drawing Hellboy's daughter may be cute, the demand for that kind of thing will be a lot less than say a nice shot of Wonder Woman or Batman or Wolverine or Fairchild, etc. Both Jeff and I will talking on the phone before we start and picking the best suggestion posted below. So go to it!
Many comments before something happens..
Jim..good luck in the new series with Mr.Miller!!
mmmm...mmm....mainstream mainstream choice!!
The answer will be so obvious.
It would be Awesome to see a Homage cover of the first issue of X-men form the 60's (with the original yellow suits) done by you guys!!
He's popular, he's mainstream, (X-Men Comic Book, Movie, and was on X-Men Evolution) and I'm pretty sure neither of you have drawn him in a LONG time. It would be a nice challenge for you guys and entertaining for us to see. Thanks and good luck to you both, you're both doing a great thing for the CBLDF.
"Winner gets a slap on the back and bragging rights. Loser has to deal with the realization that they have a job no one in the Real World really understands nor appreciates and that life is cruel and unfair and that we spent way too much time hanging out with Alex Garner without anything to show for it and that they really should have chosen to be a rock star or a professional athlete where you get your money for nothing and your chicks for free (dated pop culture reference two!). "
That was the funniest thing I have read on the net in over a year!! lol!!
Anyways my suggestion as to the subject of the next battle is simple, Superman vs. Hulk.
How about a summer comic movie jam? Batman and the Fantastic Four?
Nice contest, guys!
With big events in dc and marvel brewing a House of M vs. Infinite Crisis would be cool...maybe a JLA vs. X-men?
Besides that I suggest Iron Man, Hulk, or Daredevil. All seem pretty main stream. Gambit would be fun too, but it might not be mainstream enough.
No matter what you guys choose I'm sure it'll be amazing. Big Fan of all of your art. Keep up the amazing work guys.
PS Sin city?
Sin City's Nancy or the butt-kicking Hawkgirl from Justice League Unlimited.
How about one of those lovely characters of Hanna Barbera Cartoons, like Space Ghost or Birdman??
Great ideas--keep em coming. A couple stand out as real winners in my mind...that said, there aren't going to be team vs team sketches. We have an HOUR of time to get it done. We're fast but not Aragones-like.
This sounds awesome! Since you both draw women so well (sexy) Do a "Women of DC Pinup": Wonder Woman, Batgirl (Barbra with the Red hair hanging out the back), Catwoman, Pioson Ivy, Power Girl and Black Canary.
Very mainstream, and very attractive to bidders.
If I were you guys (Jim and Scott) I guess that taking some hours more 2 or 3 or a day might be really worth for the CBLDF!!
Great day to you guys!!...JESUS ANTONIO
Oh I almost forgot, Harley too!
Mary Marvel, classic-style.
- Bill
If you guys can get it done in the hour, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman. That'll rake tons of money. DC's Trinity.
I think one thing everyone always mentions when talking about Jim Lee and J. Scott Campbell are the hot ladies both artists are able to bring to the page. So I offer up two suggestions.
Zealot vs. Fairchild
or Christine Blaze vs. Abbey Chase
I think those are probably some of the more recognizable Wildstorm characters, definately characters that could bring in some good money for the CBLDF.
Colossus, Shadowcat and Lockheed would be awesome :)
how about old Barbera Gordon style Batgirl vs. the new Batgirl
I think krunchie was absolutely right with the comment on how both artists draw spectacular women.
I think Supergirl would be great, seeing as how she a) is very popular and instantly recognizable, b) doesn't really have that many noodly details that would take away time from just drawing a really dynamic and kick-ass piece, and c) hasn't been drawn (as far as I can recall) by either artist on a book, but I'm sure they've doodled in sketchbooks several times over.
Or Witchblade, for exactly the opposite reasons.
I really don't think they'll go for any of the big team pin-up's or hero/villain versus hero/villain... From what I've seen of these they're usually just one character. It's only an hour, remember...
Besides a Magneto, I wouldn't mind seeing a JScott take on Batman (though I think Jim Lee gets the unfair advantage there having been drawing him so much lately...) Just like JSC would get the advantage on Spider-Man. So, a good, neutral, character...
Awesome!!! I can't wait to see this :D
I vote for a "Lord of the Rings" character -- I'd love to see both of your takes on Aragorn, for example.
I should probably add (I just suggested Aragorn) -- My second vote would be for a female character. You both draw such unbelievably awesome women, I'd hate to see this contest wasted on some male character... LOL :D
I'd love to see both these guys do The Fantastic 4. If they don't want to do the full team my vote is for Mr. Fantastic, or Invisible Woman or Dr. Doom. Another suggestion is Spider-Man. With both of them working close with DC these days, I want to see them do some Marvel characters. Hulk would be good too. Oh who am I kidding, It's going to be cool even if they drew Kermit the Frog (hey, there's an idea!)
I think the Spidey/Wolverine team-up has been the most commecial and would sell like hotcakes. Haven't seen Jim's Spidey a lot and don't recall J. Scott's Wolverine ever.
Rock the Fantastic Four! Make them really cool!
BTW I think you guys should rule out Batman, Superman, Spiderman and X-men, coz that's treading old ground for either Jim or Jeff and it'd be nice to see their take on another set of icons.
Or maybe they should just go with Hellboy. Cooool.:D
WHy not doing Marv from Sin City ?
How about the comic book thing looking into a mirror and seeing the movie thing.
Personaly, I'd love to see both of them try to work on Gen 13's Freefall. In Jim's Millenium book he talked about how much he liked to draw the character because there are so many posibilities for her posses. Also, even though Gen13 was Cambells book it's something both of them conceptualized, or atleast that's what I thought.
If that isn't commercial enough I can also suggest FantasticFour's Invicible Woman turning invisible. Lee's watercolor style and Campbells fairly realistic shading should make it very interesting.
I'll simplify my suggestion.
Fantastic Four.
The whole team or any of the characters solo VS. Dr. Doom
Captain America against the Red Skull.
Hey guys how about Dark Knight Returns Batman and Carrie Kelly Robin?
Or Watchmen characters?
or THE INCREDIBLES? Mr. Incredible and Frozone? Mr. and Mrs. Incredible??? That would ROCK!!!!!!!
Or Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli?
All of these would be commercial, and when would we ever see Jim or J. Scott do anything like this?
My suggestions:
Martian Manhunter
and...as a show of respect to the victims in Britain...
Captain Britain or Captain America holding a British flag.
Green Lantern Hal Jordan all the way!
I'd love to see you guys draw the Hulk! If not Hulk, then Deadpool or Viewtiful Joe.
Draw Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy. I command it!
My votes for a Wonder Woman, Troia, Wondergirl piece similar to Ale Garza's:
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