... I don't know why I never thought about it, but thank you guys for pointing out 'comic art' sites (as a way of finding past 'con-drawings'). I did a little search the other day, and came across some pieces I had totally forgotten even doing, and some I JUST did at this San Diego show.
Jim (Lee) was the first guy I noticed asking fans for scans of sketches he had just given them, and NOW it totally makes sense. There have been some pieces I've done at shows that I really wish I had a scan of.
For me, when I do sketches, or commissions at shows, I tend to feel more relaxed, and because of that, whatever I draw tends to come out more 'spontaneous' maybe? it might just be the simple fact that you know this particular drawing is more personal, it's from you, to a fan, so there's less 'page-fright' (^_^)
There was one show if particular that I felt REALLY in the 'zone' :).
Jim, Cammo, Lee, Grazia, Michelle and I (same crew that was at the signing in Las Vegas this past weekend) were signing at a comic shop in Reggio, Italy, and we were just doing 'random' sketches, and 'auctioning' them instantly at the shop, and then the money would go to a "Tsunami victims" fund (if I am not mistaken).
I think we all stayed and did sketches for something like seven hours? ... that day, my sketches were just 'flowing', one after the other, and you get into a really cool rhythm that you wish you could keep for ever. Jim and I had very little ink, so we watered it down, and out of necessity, we did a bunch of ink-wash pieces, which always allow you for more 'subtlety' then a regular 'sharpie' sketch...
... anyway, there's a couple sketches from that day I wish I would have scans of.
This piece here was ALSO the first or second time I've ever drawn Supergirl. I don't know if I got her to look as 'innocent' as I wanted, but overall, I was happy with the way it came out. (^_^)
... oh yeah, and somebody asked me where I got my 'pencil-case'? I think I got it at TARGET a while back, but don't quote me on that! :)
I love the way you guys throw the word “sketches” around like you’re not creating something important. These are amazing works of finished art. ART!
Sketches are loose ideas accompanied by random lines that indicate something vague. Art is something that compels raw emotion. That is what I am experiencing here with this image!
This is complete, finished, definitive art with quality worthy of hanging on a museum wall.
Thanks so much for sharing! I am inspired every time I see new “sketches” here.
Thank again,
"... when it's all said and done though, it's just semantics. You can just hope that whomever commissioned it, digs what you're giving 'em in return for their hard-earner cash (^_^)"
Great point!
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