Wednesday, July 06, 2005

...what the hell, the night's still young!

(entry: Carlitos)

...I'm just doodling some ideas for what might become my 'cover image.'

I originally wanted to do something 'weirder,' and a little more �experimental�, but when it's all said and done, the 'cover image' won't be all that big, so it's best to keep it simple and 'attractive' (I hope).

Sometimes it can be kinda' frustrating doing the 'sexy' image, it's so damn cliché�, but at the same time, you can't argue with the power a 'sexy girl' drawing (or photo) has on a cover, especially in the comics and 'fantasy' media, or everything else for that matter ('cause we all know MAXIM, and all those mags. sell because of their oh-so interesting articles :) ), so the question then becomes; what can I 'inject' into this "pretty girl" drawing that might make it more 'me?' ...heheh, it's like 'selling-out,' but only half-ways. :)

It might have been Lee (Bermejo) that had made the comment to me once about how 'tiring' it was having to try and draw attractive people in comics all the time, and I would have to agree, BUT at the same time, we both understand that we are dealing with 'archetypes', idealized figures, and not reality...still, it's nice to gripe about it once in a while. :)

...then again, that's why it's good to have Lee (Bermejo) with us, for every 'pretty' thing Alé, Rich and I might draw, he'll give you something totally grotesque (anybody a fan of Chris Cunningham?), it's like someone just gave you a backrub, followed by a kick to the nuts!

(just wait 'till you guys see the new sketchbook). (^_^)


mic? said...

Yikes... it's so hard for me to consciously draw ugly people... unless it's a self-portrait... but, yeah... that's why I love drawin' comic book-style. I can avoid reality's imposed imperfection on human beings.


Pete said...

The top image is great. Leave it to Carlos to slip cool tech in wherever he can.

Congrats on finishing your Outsiders run. Nothing like the monthly grind to slowly wear away your soul. I'm getting my first week of real vacation in six years this week. Rebecca's pregnant again, so we decided to skip the con this year and go to San Diego a week earlier and spend time with the family instead.

So how do I get a copy of your sketchbook?

Pete said...

Is Rubber Johnny going straight to DVD, or is it going limited release? Someone at the studio "borrowed" my Chris Cunningham DVD and I haven't seen it for months. Grr.

Thanks for the compliments. Brad is an excelent colorist and the book would suck cheese without him. I was glad to see your stuff coming out monthly. Your Superman issue was kick ass, too by the way.

Pete said...

I didn't even know he worked in comics. I'll check it out.

BTW, have you heard of Canabis Works? I can't remember the artist's name, but it's just up your alley.

Pete said...

As far as Iron Chef goes-- Bring it! Why else would I shave my head?

Thanks, Rich- I didn't get the message, but I'll pass on the good wishes to Rebecca.

We're in San Diego this week through the 13th- if we have time we'll try to stop by the studio.