Tuesday, March 22, 2005

...more cool stuff from them Italians :)

... more cool stuff from them Italians :)

(entry: Carlos)

...another photo, this time of a really damn cool AND quite spooky statue from somewhere in Rome. If I remember correctly, this was somewhere close to the Coliseum. I have no idea what time period this statue might be from, but obviously after Rome was converted to Christianity. The thing that struck me the most about it, was how creepy the 'water stain' patterns on it were. The 'eye sockets' were pretty much black. It totally reminded me of the kind of statuary that Mike Mignola would 'perch' Hellboy over, although Batman would look pretty cool on it as well. (^_^)

The coolest thing about Rome, ESPECIALLY if you're an artist, is that it doesn't matter where you look, there's something beautiful to look at and learn from, and from SO many different periods of time!!! It's crazy, within a single block, you can see architecture from the Renaissance, all the way to the early period of the Roman Empire. I was REALLY looking forward to checking out the "Catacombs," but I didn't make it. :(

...and somebody had asked me to 'suggest' cool places to go to in Italy, and really, Jim or Lee Bermejo would be the better people to ask, BUT, from what I got to see, Rome's a must, so is Venice, and Florence (anything in Tuscany I imagine), and in the North, there was this beautiful town called Mantova (hope I'm spelling that one right) another one called Urbino…Parma is very pretty as well (apologies to Micciu!!), and while you're there, go bug Lee and Cammo in Reggio Emilia (^_^)...then go to this place called "Torinese" and get some pastries!!!



rraph said...

glad you liked mantova man...visually stunning and there are a couple cool places to hang out at, too (GOOD beer + food!)

Alice Twain said...

If you are out in Mantova, you should really travel to Sabbioneta (the name means something like "Sandy place"). It's just a small town but it was built by the Gonzaga (Mantova lords) and it was meant to be an "ideal town", something that renaissance architects liked to do a lot. The center of Sabbioneta is perfectly symmertrical and built strictly according mathematical conventions like the golden rule etc.

Vittorio Giorgi said...

I hope you've visited the "Chiesa degli Artisti" (Artists' Church) in Piazza del Popolo,Rome...and, man,don't forget the main thing about my country:the italian girls!!

G said...

Thanks Carlos! I'm spending my summer so far north and east its practically on the border with Slovenia in the town of Gorizia. We'll be going to Venice once or twice while I'm there for sure, other than that......the weekends are all about exploring. I'm psyched! Thanks, man.

-- Jonathan