Monday, April 25, 2005

L-Bomb designs!

L-Bomb designs!


Was wondering if you guys know those little stick figure family decals people put on their rear windshield windows? Well, my niece Lacey, has started a venture of sorts to do her version of that same thing. She was telling me how those decals could be so much cooler, and more unique. Her idea actually sounded pretty good, so with my help I'm trying to get her started.

I'm lending a hand with the little body drawings, and I've showed her how to bring her idea to life through photoshop. She's starting off small, but I really like to show my kids the same kind of support my parents gave me when I was her age. So above is a sample of the kinda window decals she wants to do. You can order your whole family or just do one of yourself. She also will offer the imagers for iron on transfers for clothing. Just a kid showing some interest in business.

If you're interested, her new company can be reached at for any questions you may have.

"I believe the children are our future, lol" PSHOO!PSHOO!


Colin said...

Oh great PSHOO PSHOO one,
That's definately very cool.
On a side note, what are you up to in comics? You've done Batgirl #63 and 64 is coming up. Then, Batgirl is done by Pop Mhan in 65 and Andy Khun in 66. Maybe I'm asking too much and you're next project is super secret or something. I'm just curious.

I read Jim saying that he believes that a great writer is one of the bigger draws in comics. For me, it's always been a mixture with the artist playing a bigger role. I like following artists and remaining loyal because usually a great artist gets good work. Spawn is the longest comic run I've been on, and I'm current with the main series (1-145). I was dazzled by Michael Turner in Witchblade, and now I'm giving Aspen a chance. I have Jim's X-Men run, Image WildCATS, Batman, and now Superman.

And now I'd like to see where you're going. Thanks

Andreas said...

Sweetness. She going to do a website to show off the wares? It could be built from simple PShop layouts. Been learning how to construct websites in school (let me tell you, San Diego Community College District has some kick-ass vocational courses in computers and technology for free!) and would be happy to volunteer time to do the back end of a simple site. Go register the domain name for her now!