Monday, May 07, 2007

Dark Phoenix

(entry ricH)

There's been some great Jim Lee art up here lately. Even though I've known Jim and worked with/around him for several years now. I am still always so blown away by how great he draws. Those covers were just awesome. So props to you Mr. Lee. I loved them ALL!

Ok so here's what I got for tonight. The first image is my rough pencils and some partial test run on some inks and a little bit of wash. This is only about 1/2 of the entire piece so there's more going on above her and below her.

and then I have this one.

I just started to go in and do the real final pencils so it's pretty open at the moment. I know people are interested in the process so I am forcing myself to show these kinds of 'works in progress' and the little trial and error things I do for myself to see what I like.

again...these are only half of the full image(the bottom half specifically). Stay tuned for the full size final.



Anonymous said...

I am really digging the first piece the the large inked areas are creating some real nice contrast, and keeping it clean on the female form is always a winner.

I like how the second piece is coming along do you plan on rendering the hair completly. I would try to render the foreground parts of the hair and let it fade into the back by either making it all inked or uninked and colored later

Keep up the awesome work Rich and thanks for the post.

AG said...

oh man! class...i started my blog to potray my cartoon art...sadly noone lyked it....
but seeing i hav regained my lost confidence towards my treasure

man awesome...keep on the good wrk


Caanan - Guild Commander: said...

Always a joy to see yer work, Mr. friend. From it's early stages to completion. Awesome!

Be blessed