(entry Rich)
Here's a page of warm ups from tonight. As promised I am posting all this stuff in order and I am not leaving out much of anything. I do many of these pieces(more than posted online) and I am trying to always show the first piece of the night because I think it's the hardest to do for me. I think that keeps this thing pretty real. That's what I think people want to see.
These are just pencil on paper for the original. I am using a dull HB lead on typing paper (the after effects of neon I just do with some nob turning in photoshop) I set up a timer and I give myself no longer than 2 minutes.
uhm...what else can I say....I have seen some improvement and I am 5 days into this. I focused in on some tough areas for myself and you know honestly these last few days I have drawn a LOT of figures. It's starting to pay off a bit. I can do little parts that usually take much longer faster, and I am getting a little more confidence in the final look (not sure if it's apparent in these actual drawings) but it's moving along. It feels more solid and a little more confident. And that's the goal.
reading:All-Star Superman
watching: The Simpsons
listening to: NIN
follow this daily and see all the art here:
Blogger must be having some problems right now. I can't get the image to upload and show up here.
check out the deviant art page to see it now.
I'll have it fixed here a little later.
vast improvement rich!
i'm on here the same time you are
how do i know?
you posted here at 10:53 pm
i was looking at DA just a second ago at 11:33 pm and there wasn't the current one on there, read the blog message, went back and it was there!
i'm sure any second now you'll have this fixed as soon as i'm done here
anyway great stuff, see ya tomorrow
see, i was right!
now it's 11:44 pm and now it works!
I didn't know nothing about your job, but, now, I am your NEW fan. I am talking from Brazil (Because this my english is not so good - I learned alone-).
How do you make the form human so 3d? What did I need to make in my draws for this happen?
Are you listening to NIN - Year Zero? That is one awesome CD!
Hey Rich ( and anyone else interested),
There is a mini caricature/cartoon convention going on in SD 4/30-5/2 if you're interested. Mostly people drawing faces but cartoonists and character designers will be there also, and once we all get together it becomes one big cross-pollinating teaching/learning/sharing/stealing session. Sean "Cheeks" Galloway will be there and David Colman. I'ts FREE! But limited to 80 people each day. I talked to the organizer today and they arn't full yet. Hit me up if you want to go (or pass along my email to anyone you know that might be interested) and I'll give out the info, I hesitate to give someone elses contact info to the masses. dflaws@socal.rr.com
Just talked to the convention orginizer again and he said a link to the site is cool :
and also:
I'd be awesome if you or anyone else would like to come.
hey rich!
saw your batmen
i like the first one the most
try for more of a rectangular face than a round one
make a rectangle within a rectangle
bigger one for the back of the head and neck and one for the face
i'm also wondering if i should still comment here
are you still looking here?
if so, i'll continue
if not, i'll post at blasterkid
let me know
also looking forward to your next installment tonight
oh yeah I generally read the posts here and will reply here. It's totally different. Anything I post here is a stand alone. This is a lot for some people to take in.
I still have friends who are pro's that don't know I pencil after three years.....so I don't expect strangers to really follow this so closely.
It's really just an open sketchbook. I am keeping this place updated about 3 times a week.
wackx on, wackx off
alec baldwin sings? rill-e?
nice stuff, see ya tomorrow
just had a thought:
do you have a voice recorder, maybe you could do a podcast or a webcam, ya know something you can put on youtube?
you missed last nights
Site was in read only mode. I couldn't upload any art when I logged on. It sometimes takes an hour or so to go back into active mode. I went to bed.
good luck on your first ? penciled book
nice stuff from monday
less lines, more defined
lets see what you have in store tonight
to see my latest comment go to your latest post :)
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