(Entry ricH)
I had started this piece a while ago and came across it while I was cleaning my home studio yesterday. It was so close to being done I wrapped it up last night.
I noticed a strange trend for me with drawing characters. I think most comic artists generally do a lot of figure drawings. Draw Superman....Bam. It's some cool action pose. I generally take a first stab almost always doing a portrait. I have no idea why other than I need to see the character right up close and personal...then maybe I feel like I know them and can relate to them a little more...and then hopefully over time I can tell their story.
This is I think the third time I've drawn Wonder Woman. She looks a little young, but that's sort of the way I pull characters.
That's great. Good work Rich!!
Will you ink it..?
I think so.
Not right now though. More pencils...less inks.
hi rich!
scott here!
so, todays (fri) installment:
amazing, in fact its better than wednesday's
reeled it back and improved it
so sups/bats huh?
good luck, i'm rooting for ya
(please give him a book,jim) :)
i'd like to suggest while doing pages do some male/female figures so you don't have it loosen up on you, atleast 1 page each, not to mention showing how tight your anatomy will be on them
you did a male one, now do a female one with tighter anatomy then go into the sequentials, it will help
since its going to be a bat/sups book draw batman and sups then some females: catwoman, supergirl, etc.
so these next ones are going to be figures that will be in the issue right?
as long as you are showing how to incorporate those figures into the panels, ya know i'll be here
a bulky superman?
i recall whilce trying that out, he rendered them in a frank miller style, looks good
it might be on his DA or his blog, i think on his blog
might help you out
i guess i'll check back in an hour or so
just missed ya
20 minutes ago! incredable
better superman symbol, i'd stick with that one
what can i say this time...
keep 'em coming :)
see ya tomorrow rich
She looks kinda motherly to me,
which is a nice change of pace.
"first sequential / finished page I ever did.
I got hired on half of a page (the current one) and sketches I had done."
rich, what were those OTHER pages specificly got you hired?
"old work - Things I was trying and things I've left behind.
Not sure if it's like that for you but I think it's healthy to go back and see older drawings. You can learn from it even though you're probably a better artist today."
i do but it also has you remembering some of the bad habits as well and then if you let it, it mixes in with your current work
so some people don't look at past drawings
"Someone asked me about drawing hair or something design oriented with my art."
it was me about the hair, i'd like to be shown how to do it properly
"What do you prefer...monthly work from your favorite artists or less work, more quality."
actually we mostly want comics on-time and the best writing
HERE'S WHAT MOST READERS CAN BE LIKE: (if writer / artist names are visible on cover or art is
appealing enough to pick it up, scan it and possibly read who did the art/writing on inside)
i even put some kind of a score too:
to me cool art on cover is a must/cool looking character / then writer, then concept if any
0/CHAR? A 50/50 CHANCE
don't like either artist/writer but like character:
might gloss over it and not get it and not read the concept or go to concept, if appealing, might get it
10 SOLD!!!!!
good writing and art: 100%
ya know i'm staying and recommend the issue to others, sold and more possible sales, GET HC and/or TP
good writing: 75%
i'll stay, sold, buy next one if same writer/artist if i like one or both, or character(s)
bad art but good writing: 50%
i'll stay until bad writing, sold, cringe but if writing really good might recommend but feel like half valued
bad writing with good art: 50%
i'll quit and get only for art, sold, half valued
continually late: TRADE IT!
trade, no sale until later, maybe
if I had my fill of those artists/writers:
will quit, pick up their stuff unless on a character i like or an appealing concept
bad writing: 25%
i'll quit or wait for a better one, sold, wasted money, strike 1, maybe come back, continue if i like character
both bad: SUCKS!!!!!'TIL NEXT ISSUE
quit, complain, sold, wasted money, tell others, might not continue unless character(s) i like, strike 1
continually bad writing: SUCKS!!!!!
quit,sold, wasted money, complain, tell others, won't come back until hear of better, skip trade
"I was thinking I might add more work each night but do it 2 times a week"
i'm cool with it rich
Thanks for the feedback.
What the deal was for me doing that short story basically:
I had about half a page drawn and an editor happened to walk by my desk. Asked what I was drawing and it kind of evolved from there. I had done I think a Metabarons drawing and maybe one or two other things. I'll think hard and post them up.
There was a lot of detail and you know pretty lines.....people seem to like that. I like drawing that way. So I got that short story. The dumb thing was.....I never worked after that to get more penciling gigs for comics. I went right into practicing art in general.
When I say I go back and sometimes look at old art.
I just get a sense of where I've been. I am not studying it. Just seeing what it looks like. My detail used to be a lot smaller. I am going to go back to that look a little more. I like it better...incorporated with some nice weight on the figures and main stuff.
thanks for the post.
very in-depth~!!!
i'd like to just reiterate what has already been said on the subject of quality vs. quantity
i've taken quotes from your DA and got the best of, here they are...
give more time and quality might improve but it might happen again except on a bi-monthly book.
artists and writers MUST 1. Sell books 2. Meet deadlines.
some artists miss dead lines and sell comics, others don't sell as well, but never miss a deadline. This is why they both have work.
TRANSLATION: some use the time to do even better work and others use that time to do non-comic things
those who do better should get paid more and the others who don't should be put on covers and mini-series
monthlies - story more but low art quality, when its slow or late - quality art but low story quality. Just need to find a happy medium.
fill-ins - better than nothing.
story adapted than replaced with a fill-in, but failing that, I'd rather see the same creators
my idea: have tag teams of 2 artists/writers and 1 back-up team
Presence over perfection.
TRANSLATION: more comics, less quality
I don't want my favorite artists and writers strained
hope that the artists who's work I love can enjoy the process as much as I do, enjoy drawing and writing
bi-monthly quality vs. monthly low quality
if there is more than 1 to 1 1/2 months between books it makes it really difficult to follow and breaks the flow.
WW Hair's fantastic and the individual elements of the features are also well drawn but taken as a whole ...
The nose is to far down the face and to the left.
The right eye sits to low
when you squint.
Yes it's being picky but hay - practice makes perfect.
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