Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Do do that Voodoo that you do so well


Wow, it's February already?

I feel like it was just yesterday when these were all drawn. Anyway, they've been quietly waiting in my office for the light of eBay and now, here they are!

From top-to-bottom, we've got four original Voodoo pieces by Jim Lee, JJ Kirby, Michael Lopez and Oliver Nome. I think everyone did a great job on these and, as always, you can click on each for a larger view.

Oh, and did I mention they're all up on eBay now too?


Steve99 said...

Arf arf, I love all!!! Voodoo is sooo sexy!

Vittorio Giorgi said...

Wonderful all 4 of 'em... as usual, I prefer the Lopez one!!

Anonymous said...

I have to say the JJ wins this one hands down. I think Jim's looks great, but then he created the character, so it better look darn good. I would have loved to see Lopez and Nome actually do full body pieces. That would have been sweet.
And did you say these were on Ebay, oh wait, already bidding :D

Ted.E. Baroody said...

Wow. Great work by everyone. I find myself liking JJ's the most. Daemonite arms and furry "Spiral" boots are always #1 in my book.

Now if only I didn't have such a ridiculous rent to pay this month. :(

EricCallen said...

oooo... these are really nice!

What do I expect from the finest art studio in the world!?!!?

Jim is my all-time fave, but, MAN! I think Nome and JJ out did the master on these!!

Couple of things;

- Jim? How's Wildcats 2 coming?

- HERE WE GO PANTHERS, HERE WE GO!! (Pittsburgh comicon April 25-27... send some peeps!!)


Scott Dunbier said...

Hey, Mike, looks like Jill!

Michael said...

Hi Scott, Who's Jill?, just curious?

Scott Dunbier said...

Jill used to dress up as Voodoo at shows. Ask Jim, he may have a photo of her.

Hope you're doing well, say hi to the guys for me.

Pimpf said...

All those versions of Voodoo are awesome but my two favourites are :

-Jim Lee's Voodoo, as sexy as she has always been drawn by Jim
- Lopez's version that really stands out with a glamour feeling


all i got to say is....damn, hot!

they are all great but i'd have to give it to nome this time

yes a little blocky but he keeps tring something new where as the others styles have been shown before, so here's to nome

Anonymous said...

After a hard EBay battle I am proud to say that JJ's Voodoo is mine. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Mine all mine.
Now if I can just get my wife to forgive me for all the money I paid for the piece. :(



jetcomics said...

ahey all are good as always. but the second pic disappointed a bit.

mic? said...

Oh, mang...

... e'eryone smashed it w/ their own individual interpretation. I'm entranced by the details on Oliver's right now, though.
