Thursday, September 14, 2006

Batman and more...

(entry Rich)

Eddy had asked me about posting some Batman info. It wasn't official until about 4 weeks ago but it's confirmed now that I am the inker for the project. I had known about the book for about 7 months..but it was sort of up in the air. So it's Whilce Portacio penciling the book and me inking it. The title is Batman;'s a new series and Whilce and I are doing 6 issues.

I've been inking Whilce now for several months and it's going well. It's really fun, very detailed (especially the Wetworks art.....yeow man....he went crazy) and from what I can tell both books should be something fans will like. I haven't read the Batman scripts but I have read the first 7 issues of Wetworks...and it's really good.

I tried to post some new pencil art (my stuff) about 2 or 3 weeks back and the post never appeared...not sure what happened?

Hope everyone is doing well out there. I saw a lot of people at the San Diego con from this site (even many lurkers stopped by)..thanks for saying hello.




Vittorio Giorgi said...

Rich, happy to see you again here!!
But what's up with artshake..? Is it no longer online...why??? I tried to write several time ago to your old e-mail with no response...

antonio said...

Rich congratulations!!!!!!
just a question what happened to your blog?
Great to hear you are having big steps!!!


Urban Barbarian said...


syrtheone said...

I love whilce portacio, and after going to all these conventions I can't believe I have not met him yet; his work is second only to Jim Lee...and only just.

Vittorio Giorgi said...

Mhh...maybe you could try to pencil something really different, like european comics or a not-commercial graphic could put your "artistic imprintings" into them without doing something "far" from the media "comics"...

antonio said...

Rich thanks for the information about your blog...can I add your new deviantart link to my blog_

I agree with what vittorio said you can become a very good author if you want to!!

Great day and thanks!!


antonio said...

The only thing I can say Rich is that I love the way you see art and I am really happy you are taking those steps into your art that as you have said have improved enormously and you are only at the beginning of all the changes!!
Thanks again for sending me the link Rick..
talk to you in some weeks!!
Take care pal!!

Unknown said...

so awesome...

Line Medic said...

Bring IT!!!! I am so hopped up on this Portacio style. It's taken some time, but it's worth IT.

DADICUS said...

Have you guys slowed down on posting because of deadlines and such cause the blog barely moves now?

DADICUS said...

I appreciate the response! Hey what happend to Scott Iwahashi?
(I have no idea how to spell his name)