I thought this was interesting in regards to an amazing final bid/private sale in the fine art world..
A Pablo Picasso painting just sold for a 95.2 million. Is that insane or what?
'Dora Maar au Chat'
I thought this was interesting in regards to an amazing final bid/private sale in the fine art world..
A Pablo Picasso painting just sold for a 95.2 million. Is that insane or what?
'Dora Maar au Chat'
No is not insane Dear Rich!!
I guess it is a matter of what you can afford...
Big toys for big boys...hahahahah
I prefer picaso in his Academia times or the different periods he was like the blue or the pink one, watch Guernica when you have some time.
Wow $95.2 million. I can't imagine having that much money, let alone enough to spend $95.2mil and not be flat broke afterwards.
Mr. Liefeld missed his calling by...i dont know, a lot of decades
That makes Jim Lee's originals seem like a steal at www.albertmoy.com. And Garza has a bunch of prime pages at www.splashpageart.com
Bargain prices for skillful original art.
Ok, I consider myself something of an "art" fan, not just comics but art in general, but I have never gotten Picasso and I doubt I ever will, I just don't get it... rather, I don't get why he's so heralded about his work when it's not technically or even visually superior to many other's work. 95 million for a Rembrandt? I'd see that happening, Da Vinci? You bet... but Picasso?
I guess that person knows something I don't... then again, if he has 95 mil to spend, he probably knows a lot that I don't!
We are not talking about the technique blue eyes, for instance I agree with you that is his work is not my cup of tea but to understand the inner ideas on what He apply and the way that cubism works and how he from the Academia started to open his work to experiment similarly to what happened to Dali, that after being part of the academia dali started his own vision with surrealism.
remember that the key word to understand is that cubism is just movement or in other terms is like If you were talking a picture of a moving object that is one of the reasons of the rare shapes, hard to explain or for instance the way manet used the brush strokes intead of having them almost detectless He was intelligent enough to make colors blend in the brain and not in the image...
Well my two cents..
I'm with Antonio on this one. Not my cup of tea but a lot of people don't realize the steps the man took to get there. He changed the art world dramatically. So his paintings are now pieces of history at this point.
now why would anyone want to spend 95 million on a twisted piece of art like this. i guess whoever does do so will be doing so "just" to have a picasso in his collection. i've always maintained this and i still maintain this....the comics industry has loads of people who are much much more talented than people who's stuff is displayed in exclusive galleries and are auctioned off for unearthly prices. very few of these people actually appeal to me.
PS:Offtopic, but Hope to see Brazil lift the world cup for the 6th time in Germany and hope Barca wins against Arsenal in Paris.
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