Everytime I saw Batman on his rope, he's always twenty miles up in the sky and it made him look like he was swinging from a cloud or something. Here, I wanted to draw him closer to street level where he can accidentally bump into Spider-Man or a bus.
Wow, this pic is impressive. I saw the earlier pic and knew that the finished piece would be good but this is amazin. Its true you usually see batman high in the air and dont see the street life below.
Nice work. Awaiting Batman in color.
Aww it's benjamins batman. Thats so cute.
Spidey has spidey sense. He wouldnt bump into Batman.
Spidey swings much faster. Hed hurt Batman more than Batman would hurt him. All that momentum.
Are you kiddin' me? He's the goddamn Batman. He'd kill Spidey if he had the Prep-Time... swingin' through mid-air. Yeah.
aaand that's one o' the geekiest things I'll ever write here.
That is some AMAZIN' work, Mr. Benjamin. I'm glad you made the choice to take him closer to street-level. I agree w/ Brett in that it's vurry reminiscent of Jim's Captain America in the ol' Uncanny X-Men issue w/ Black Widow and Wolverine, which pra'ly explains why I love this joint even more.
Spiderman is faster. He'd have more momentum. Batman would take forever to swing that fast. He has one rope. Spidey has his webbing that he swings from constantly, without losing speed.
He's also much stronger than Batman. He could rip Batman's limbs off. Plus he's smarter. He's a friggin scientist! Batman is just a fake scientist. He makes Alfred do all the work. Then he makes out with Robin and runs around like a maniac who probably has erectile dysfunction.
Oh yeah and that is a cool picture. That's one thing that always bugged me about Daredevil and Batman. They're always like swinging from who knows what. How does Daredevil get to the Brooklyn Bridge to hang out with Spidey (who can kill Batman easily)? People must watch this idiot crawling up the damn sides of the bridge.
I 'unno... last I heard, Peter was a photographer that got his kicks off takin' flicks of Aunt May and Uncle Ben in comprisin' positions. "Scientist"? tsh... what a poser! What a perv!
Great hands on this on, Ryan!
Ok seriously you rally think he would lose? He can lift a car! He's just as smart as Batman! Batman can only beat Superman cause he has kryptonite and Superman is too lazy to become Supersmart with his Superbrain or just crush Batman with 1 eyelash before Batman can even think to get some kryptonite.
I cant believe I am saying these things. I havent even bought a comic in over a year and I never bought Spidey. Or Batman.
I mean...uh...except for Hush. Ah heheh (Jim Lee is a wing chun master). WHich reminds me, when I was 7 yrs old and just finding comic books I thought Jim Lee was Stan Lee's son. Stan lee can beat up Batman.
Truly amazing work! I saw the the earlier version and it looked pretty good even at that stage. Keep it up!
^ROFL! ;D Nice!
Ryan, this is phenomenally good.
I know a bunch of you commenters are saying that this Batman illustration reminds you of Jim Lee's Captain America illustration on the X-Men splash page, but really folks it's not that close.
Sure the body-shots are pretty similar, but everything else is different. The cityscape, the level of detail, the shadows, the setting... this is extremely well-down and should stand on it's own merit.
just wanted to say... brilliant.
I spent 20 min just staring at the background details.
Very nice sir, the detail is indeed impressive.
Interesting drawing. Not a Batman fan, I must say, but this, indeed, is awesome. Great shadow handling and perspective.
BTW, could someone please show some Superman love in this site? ;-)
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