Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's official!


DC Entertainment Names Executive Team:

Jim Lee and Dan DiDio - Co-Publishers of DC Comics
Geoff Johns - Chief Creative Officer of DC Entertainment
John Rood - Executive Vice President, Sales, Marketing and Business Development
Patrick Caldon - Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration

To help celebrate, we all enjoyed a tasty lunch at a local favorite!

For more details on this big announcement, here's a Q&A with DC's Executive Justice League.



Damon Taylor said...

who's that drawing at the lunch table? :0)

EricCallen said...

Congrats all around!

Although I can't help but worry that Jim's drawing days are about over...

I hope not.

Jim you are far and away my fave artist(been reading comics for about 30 years now),but I'm having a hard time forgiving you about the incomplete Wildcats story.


arnie said...

he really is the man now....

Phil Hall said...

What does a "Publisher" do, exactly?

Colin said...

Congrats, Jim!! This news should make your appearance at Boston Comic Con in April even more interesting! Looking forward to it!

Two Tons said...

Congratulations! This is very exciting! Wildstorm rules the world!

Danny V said...

Hey Jim
Congratulations on your new position. You are by far my favorite artist. I just hope you'll still have time to do a book every now and again.

EJ Morges said...

Congratulations JIM! I'm looking forward to the future of DC with you at the helm with Geoff!

Gelatomettista said...

WildWorld: That's Joel Gomez who just drew "The Authority: The Lost Year" #6.