The colorful J. J. Kirby and the talented Ryan Benjamin are both back at Wildstorm now and what better way to welcome them than by throwing them against each other in an IRON GELATOMETTISTA CHALLENGE!
Go ahead and post below which single character you'd like to see them draw and they'll go head-to-head tomorrow at 5:00pm PST.
Welcome back to Wildstorm guys...hope you survive the experience!
Take it back to the old school.
Spider-Man and Batman
Yeah, it's generic but that's still a fight to see.
How about Kate Bishop from the Young Avengers.
--J. J.
How about Ladytron?
Ryan Benjamin is back at Wildstorm?...(in my best Ice Cube voice) "Yea Yeah!"
You guys should draw revamped versions of Black Vulcan vs.Black Lightning (just drop the BLACK out their names...izzat really necessary?)...now that's old school!
dr. strange would be sweet!!!
Your back!!! Well how about warblade. I haven't seen a good one of him in a while.
zealot or supergirl
Marv from Sin City...
Miyamoto Usagi
Wolverine or Hulk...again pretty generic but still interesting, yes?
Vixen... JLU-style! Utilizin' a cat spirit/essence/aura.
After I did a lil' google search, I found out that Benjamin draws great women and Kirby draws great cats... Thundercats, that is.
welcome back guys.
how about.....venom
dont see people doing him much these days. love 'im and his sense o' humour.
Space Ghost
Nice to see the esteemed allums rejoining the studio...no one ever answered my questions of whether or not they are gonna be doing work FOR the studio though...
In either case, my vote is in honour of his recent passing: Superboy.
Werewolf by Night vs. Blade.... nuff said.
Omega Red
Grifter is the way to go. Us poor Wildcats fans (especially Grifter) have been left wanting for more Grifter art for years. Plus, Ryan pencilled the first Grifter solo series so this would be like a walk down memory lane for him.
Grifter vs Wolverine
Now THAT would be really cool...
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