Tuesday, August 19, 2008



Hey ya'lls, how's it goin? Haven't posted in awhile, been busy, busy after Comic-Con and getting back into the groove of things. I'm sure everyone who attends, whether exhibiting or just going for fun knows what I mean, it's exhausting! (in a good way though)

Here is a Zatanna that I did for fun right before the show. I've always been partial to her look and had so much fun doing this piece, especially tweeking her outfit a little. I can't wait to get started on another piece with her!

Hope u likey.


tkincher said...

That's awesome! Reminds me a bit of Bachalo in the detail, too, which can only be a compliment.

Stephen said...

Jim! I hope you see this and email me at Schen@capaonline.org. The Asian Heroes Project just did a piece on your contributions:

Stealth said...

Yep I tend to draw her in a personnal way too :D that's a great piece !
what did it became since then?