"The Dark Knight" movie - Awesome, right?
Everyone here at the studio LOVED it and it was doubly exciting to see the Watchmen trailer for the first time! In fact, we're all so excited to see the movie, Jim put together this jam piece for the guys here to all draw on.
We should have the original available at Comic-Con too, so be sure to stop by and see the progress. Just a few more hours now!
Watchmen's cool and all, and the trailer was better than anyone could'a hoped for...
But c'mon, where's the WildStorm jam piece for Mortal Kombat vs. DC?!
Hi Mr. Lee,
I'm Luis M. Rosales, the editor in chief for Scifiworld, the only
magazine dedicated to fantastic cinema in Spain.
I like to invite you to take part in a solidarity action we are
organizing. In October, later this year, we are going to carry out an
exhibition on the 75th anniversary of King Kong. The name of the event is
King Kong Solidary. For this occasion we are inviting several celebrities
related to the world of cinema, illustration and cartoons. It consists of
sending us an original art related to King Kong which will be displayed
during the Sitges Film Festival. Later it will be auctioned on eBay,
donating all the obtained money to Doctors Without Borders.
We hope you like the idea and are able to participate. If you would be so
kind to let us know if you are able to, and feel free to extend the
invitation to whomever you see fit.
Several international artists have already joined this initiative, which we
think is very nice since it links cinema to humanitarian labor.
This is the official site for the event:
Thanks in advance,
Luis M. Rosales
Editor in chief
C/ Celso Emilio Ferreiro, 2 - 4ºD
36600 Vilagarcia de Arousa
Pontevedra (Spain)
Phone: +34615174720
Url: Http://www.scifiworld.es
Hi, Mister Lee
I've heard nothing but great things about Dark Knight, though I won't have a chance to watch it. Possibly next weekend!
I could not make it to Comic-Con, though a co-worker did (you may have talked to him, Gabriel Vega from Neoseeker). I asked him to forward my admiration for you and your work.
I was very surprised and excited to see you appear during the SCEA press conference at E3, and I was sitting in the front row, rather close to where you did your one-handed push up!
Based on what I could glean about DC Universe Online at the conference and later in SOE's meeting area, I gave it a positive review on Neoseeker.com's coverage of E3 2008. I'm really looking forward to the game!
And, as always, your work is amazing, Mister Lee. I truly admire you as a DC fan and an artist fresh out of college.
I hope someday to shake your hand in person -- though I'm sure you get this sort of thing all the time from your fans.
Lydia Sung
Featured Writer
Neo Era Media Inc.
Hey there,
I love the Watchmen layout, I can't wait to see it in finished pencil or ink or better yet, final colors.
Anyways I'll keep checking back, and wish you all at Wildstorm an awesome weekend.
Truly excellent jam piece in the making, gang. Can't wait to see the final product. Jim did a sweet layout here.
all best,
Drew Bittner
Saw this piece in progess when Oliver was drawing on it. Can't wait to see Jim's Rorschach!
Jim, you rock! ;)
From Sardinia, Italy
smoky man
Looking forward to the updated image.
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