This past week I had a chance to attend the amazing Angouleme Comics Festival named after the eponymous town. It was as beautifully quaint (if you can call 230,000 comics fans descending upon and taking over a town that) and historic as I last recall from my visit there two years ago.
Had a chance to meet and hang out with a bunch of talent from all around the globe, many of whose work I was encountering for the first time, do a couple of panels and even got to squeeze in 50 or so sketches for patient fans during the 4 day affair.
Didn't bother with a digital camera so am relying on the fans themselves to send in a scan or two. Some even shot digital video off their cameras as I drew...maybe those will show up somewhere online too.
It even snowed which as I understand, it's never done at a comics festival in Angouleme, ever. That said, here's the first scan I received--posted above. And go here for a bigger shot.
Nice piece Jim. The lack of a left arm and the somewhat floating hand looks very different from your usual sketches. I like it, nice to switch it up now and again.
For anyone who has a pics of Jim's work to share please send them in so the rest of us can eat it up. :)
Man, I really wish you would come to Toronto. Sketch or not, I'm pretty sure thousands of people in Toronto would want to meet you.
This is the Toronto con to choose:
Not affiliated with them, but they put on the best cons in Toronto.
That said, love the Grifter piece, and I can't wait for the Wildcats relaunch.
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