Monday, March 06, 2006


Doodles Originally uploaded by Gelatomettista2.

Here is a page of doodles I found recently from some years back, before I had started my run on Superman with writer Brian Azzarello. Was playing around with the differences and similarities between Hawkman and Batman's cowls. Perhaps a way to make Hawkman's beak look less pronounced although I love how long and unique it is within the world of superhero masks. Hawkman is one of the truly great looking characters visually...

Done in ballpoint pen during a meeting I am sure...


mic? said...

Sickness. Mask is lookin' ill!

I'm bustin' out my ball-points durin' the next class lecture. To "take notes." :D


Peter said...

These kind of doodles are my favorite kind of stuff from you because it's always interesting to me see the insight of someone when they doodle. It's like no controls and it's very cool

Jon Tsuei said...

Oh i really like the perspective looking up at Bats (the one where you can see his nostrils) very cool stuff.