The best thing to order there is the Spanish burger (near burnt, wafer thin slice of meat with salsa between bread), a cup of chili, onion rings and their piece d'resistance--their fresh homemade shakes.
Go with Strawberry...they are cold, icy and thick. Not at all waxy or chalky like other gelatin enhanced commercial shakes. You won't be disappointed. I'd be real curious to see how they came up with the name, Spanish Burgers. OK I understand it has salsa on it...but wouldn't it make more sense if it were Mexican burgers or something closer to this side of the Atlantic? There has to be a story in there somewhere...but I've always been to scared to ask the workers there...they are straightforward Midwesterners who don't take any lip...
So yeah, I have a photo album of places I have eaten. Once drove 2 hours to get a Gooberburger (peanut butter on meat) in Missouri so I am anxious to see how the Montanans mix it up. So there you have it...one of my secret curiosities...
Oh, and a quick shout out to Neo for the wonderful portraits he has been doing up. Nice work, lad. Keep it up.
"No dig at Montana intended."
I'm offended! I can't believe such tripe is allowed here! Seriously though, I only get offended at the truly offensive--read my blog!
Small towns are fun, and Montana has plenty of them! One of the funnest parties I've ever been to was a street party in Geraldine, a town of about 250. I had my European friends with me, and they enjoyed it. One friend is French, one is Danish, and one is Norwegian. There's all sorts of fun stuff up here!
This makes me want Steak N Shake. Like, right now, this very instant, which sucks, because I only meant to take a ten minute break from writing, but now I fear a trip to SNS is in order.
And, Jim, you must know Steak N Shake is you lived in Saint Louis. My dad worked at one as a car-side waiter or something, back in the day. Back when he met Kenny Rogers and they went on adventures.
I want to write comics and go places and eat bad food and drive fast.
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