This just went up on the DC blog, The Source, so I guess it's cool to post it here. I found this to be quite an iconic image by Dave Finch, and the fact that it's the cover to Batman #700 is quite an honor for me. I'm still getting a handle on how to interpret Dave's style so that it's unmistakeably Finch, but also has some of the Williams flavor.
The first couple of DC covers I did with Dave (which I will share soon) were mostly pen, but this was all brush, with the exception of the background buildings and bricks.
Dave draws so well, it's my job just to not screw it up.
Scott, What do you look at when you ink artwork from artists such as Jim Lee or Dave Finch?
My God, that's nice. Crazy detail. Finch is a madman. Can't wait to see his depictions of other iconic characters from the DC universe.
Finch was born to draw Batman, and your inks are ri-god damn-diculous.
Amazing work sir.
Just awesome!
AWESOME!!! Great job!!!
That is the best Gotham I have seen in some time! The both of you have done a massive job on this one Scott!
It's a shame to not have the pencils posted alongside so you can really get a sense of just what Scott did here. I drove my wife pretty crazy pointing things out that Scott fixed, or interpreted in a way I wouldn't have thought of, or used black and white layering to accentuate. I would be lying if I tried to say that I think I'm not pretty good at using black and white for layering, but I learned some things with this picture!
To the person who requested pencils... just google "dave finch batman pencils 700".
Or is that Dave Finch who posted that? In which case, never mind.
that is amazing!! i always wondered what you guys look at for reference when doing mythic cities?
Hey Scott, when are you going to post some sketches of your own. We always see your inks but I'm betting that you are an amazing penciler as well. Come on Scott, just one penciled piece?
Holy $*** this is the coolest batman piece ever, More Scott Williams stuff please , he just makes everything look a million times better.
Really nice cover!
nevertheless, I think you will screw it up if you do not share more stuff as wonderful as this, or at least some Cheap Viagra .
By the way, congratulations!
Pretty well done work!
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