Here's the update on All-Star Batman and Robin news as far as I know:
The next bimonthly issue of ASBR issue 6 ships Wednesday, July 25th--that's the Wednesday before the San Diego Comic Con.
Here's a peek at a page from issue 8. Unfortunately, I had other pages last week but they all had spoilers all over em so here's a generic shot, although this one even has a clue on it heh.
I know you WildCats fans are DYING for an am I! As soon as I have more script to draw, I will let you know the details. I am still committed to doing my run with Grant and I will be seeing him at SDCC to figure how we can we can recover and get it back on track like ASBR is.
Stay tuned...
Great page, I'll love to see it full inked.
i mean... spoilers? page 9: batman walking in his cave, page 10: batman lol in his cave... :P
Hey Jim, awesome Bats! Like I need to tell you that. U da man as always! Later.
Jason Johnson
Uh oh... looks like Batty's ready to kick some butt in Metropolis. :D
Dope as ever.
Need Wildcats. I haven't given up on the cats return.
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