Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Originally uploaded by Gelatomettista2.
(entry: Carlitos)'s yet another piece I had originally done in black and white just for fun about half a year ago, then Scott (Iwahashi) added inkwashes recently, mainly so I could see and learn from his approach, him coming from a painting background and all.

I've been having A LOT of fun lately just messing around with ink-washes, practicing my 'forms' as far as 'greytones' and 'values' are concerned. I consider this to be the same as when you take a photography class in high school or wherever, first you just want to take photos in black and white so you can get used to good composition, exposure, value structures, etc. Once you have a semi-decent understanding of Black and White photography, THEN you can start messing with color ...same thing goes for painting I think, the variations that come with it are waaay to overwhelming to take in all at once, so I find it better, and easier to 'digest' (for me anyway) to understand the 'black and white' aspect of it first.

It's interesting, but since the advent of 'digital coloring' and computers and software becoming more and more affordable, you start to see more artists take on the 'whole job' lately (meaning penciling, inking, and coloring) ...with the 'conventional' method of doing a 'painted' comic, it would have just been 'time-prohibitive' to do this on any kind of regular basis, not to mention that if you screw up, you can't just hit "command Z", but you gotta 'redraw or repaint' whatever you screwed up ...ahhh, computers, you gotta' love 'em :)

...still, as much as I love my Apple and Photoshop, NOTHING will be able to beat the 'feeling' of putting pencil to paper, or paint to canvas, or a hybrid of the two, as some artist have started to do's the limit I guess, and that's a pretty damn good thing (^_^)

p.s...aaaaand if anyone is interested, this piece is available over at (^_^)


jorge f. muñoz said...

Maybe it is my imagination but the image is very similar to a pinup included in Batman vs Predator the first miniseries, i cant remember the artist (Art Adams maybe?), specially the position of Bats'

John Learned said...

Hey, man. Pretty rockin' but do you have a scan of the original for us to see the progression?

jorge f. muñoz said...

that's the image, i think i remembered because of the difficult angle, i really dig the washes in the HB-Bats¡

Onil said...

damn, this is a sweet piece of work. i'll be waiting for batman/hellboy: the golden age by you guys.